sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2018

Last biographic news.

Or, in simpler words: what about me. i dind'nt update during the first half of July because, in first place, I didn't know what to write about (I have various drafts, though). Furthermore, causing my most shocking surprise, visits remained stable for someboy as impopular as me. During the second half of July, however, a fact came to alterate my monotony: I had found a job!! This supposed the real end of a long period of unemployment, in addition of being a real worker for the estate (until now, I had done work emperience or under commercial contracts).

This, of course, has meant that I have to leave a little aside my personal business. For the moment, I can't say my profitable occupation is at the same time my passion, a situation that has come thanks to a combination of bad luck, the political errors of the last decade in Spain and some of my own foolishnes. However, I can't go on living at the expenses of my relatives and it will arrive the moment when i will have to get my own shit done, even only considering that self-accomplishment leads easily to self-esteem.

This shouldn't affect so much my news about future works. After all, since I assumed some project related to a friend, I decided to take some time. About posting in this blog for the sake of it, it will happen when I'm in the mood. Meanwhile, I'll follow my lead.

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